Systematic genomic and metagenomic analysis workshop

In this one-day workshop, which is of introductory character, we aim to familiarize the audience with the requirements and challenges of the genomics and metagenomics analysis in the Galaxy platform.

Virtual conduct of this workshop is due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Topics will include:

  • Introduction to Metagenomic Analysis- main features of the ANASTASIA platform
  • Introduction to the GALAXY platform
  • Presentation of workflows for genomic and metagenomic analyses
  • Workflows for genome assembly and annotation with ANASTASIA platform. Using docker files for workflow development in Galaxy-Anastasia
  • Functional Analysis and Characterization of Genomes and Metagenomes with BioTranslator

Relevant resources:


online (


National Hellenic Research Foundation


Basic bioinformatics courses
Scientific Software

Target Audience: 

PhD students
Undergraduate students